
Current Class Status

Our current raid times are M-Thu 6:30 EST to 12 Midnite EST (subject to change)

Our applications officers are Torque and Feitmere




Bard HIGHLevel 85, 700 AAs (Improved Singing Mastery,Improved Instrument Mastery, Extended Notes, Fierce Eye, Quick Time,3rd spire)
Beastlord MEDIUM Level 85, 700 AAs, MGB (Pet discipline, Paragon (group/focused), Beastial Align/Frenzy, Feral Swipe/Kick)
Berserker LOWLevel 85, 700 AAs (AE Warcry)
Cleric MEDIUMLevel 85, 700 AAs Epic 1.5+ (Basic Healing AAs, Celestial Regeneration, Cure AAs MAXXED, Divine Arb, Divine Rez, DA)
Druid MEDIUMLevel 85, 700 AAs (Basic Healing AAs, Call of the Wild, Cure AAs MAXXED, SoTW)
Enchanter MEDIUMLevel 85, 700 AAs (Double Auras, 2nd Spire)
Magician LOW Level 85, 1500 AAs (Adv. Pet Discipline, Destructive Fury 3, Host 3, Fire Core 3, First Spire)
Monk LOW Level 85, 700 AAs (Rapid Feign, Stonewall, Vet. Wrath, Wep. Aff, Enh. Agg, Burst of Power)
Necromancer MEDIUM Level 85, 700 AAs, Epic (3rd Spire, DoT Affliction, Pet/Swarm AAs)
Paladin HIGH Level 85, 800 AAs, 25k unbuffed, 4k AC unbuffed, DA hammer & Basic Heal AAs
Ranger MEDIUM Level 85, 800 AAs, must know how to melee :)
Rogue HIGH Level 85, 800 AAs, all basic stealth and DPS AAs
Shadow Knight LOW Level 85, 2000 AAs 30k unbuffed, 5.5k AC unbuffed
Shaman LOW Level 85, 700 AAs, Epic 2.0, (Radiant Cure MAXXED, must have 'Blood of Nadox' and 'Remove Greater Curse')
Warrior LOWLevel 85, 1000 AAs 25k unbuffed, 4k AC unbuffed (CA/CS, Shield Block, Hast. Fort., Delay Death, Blast of Anger, Inf. by Rage)
Wizard MEDIUM Level 85, 900 AAs (Subtlety 9, SC Fury Mastery 14, Dest. Fury 12, Silent Cast 5, Mind Crash 6, GOERM, One Familiar Maxed)
All casters are required to have MGB.


Hackers need NOT apply, we are not interested in hacked toons or hacked gear.


All applicants should be level 85 and meet the minimum guidelines for their class before being considered for application.
(**If you feel you are an exceptional player but do not meet our requirements, feel free to see our "Pre-App" section for more information.)
All applicants are required to provide an up to date magelo profile.
CLICK HERE to make a Magelo profile.
Also, make sure that your profile on EQPlayers is viewable by the public.

Conviction is a Ventrilo based guild. A voice chat program that the guild pays for and uses during raid and guild based groups.
You can download the client free from
Channel information will be provide upon acceptance of your application.

Conviction is a tightly knit group of people of likeminded ideals.
Our good reputation is of tantamount importance to us, and we are not looking to surround ourselves with those that seek to abuse the rules of Everquest, either written or unspoken.
We do not tolerate those who use 3rd party "hacking" programs.
Please seek another guild, another server, & another game for that matter.
You are not welcome here.
Conviction expects its members & applicants to conduct themselves in a friendly and professional manner at all times. We will not tolerate posting inflamatory remarks on class/server boards, training, or rudeness in /shout or /ooc.
Drama queens need not apply.

Our Application Procedure:
Read ALL information provided.
Submit a detailed application.
Register for DKP and forums.

Phase One - Acceptance:
Applicants are given a guild tag, invited into the applicant channel and Ventrilo.
Applicants recieve the same DKP as members but must wait for an item to pass through members before being allowed to bid on an item.
We require a minimum of 50% raid attendance from all applicants during all stages of the process.
Once an applicant earns 300 dkp (not including bonus DKP) they will be voted upon by all active members of the guild.
If a vote results in 10% or more well explained no-votes then their application will be terminated.
Those accepted will pass into Phase Two.

Phase Two - Probationary Membership:
After becoming a full member you will be observed by the officers for a period of another 300 DKP.
If at any time during this period your raid attendance drops off significantly, or problems arise with performance or attitude, you may be dismissed from the guild without warning.
Probationary members will receive FULL (100%) DKP for all raids they attend during this period. Probationary members may also bid on all loot as full members.

**Pre-App Program

Simply put, we are NOT looking to gear up your latest twink.
Pre-apps must be driven individuals that feel they have that "something special" that Conviction should not pass up on.
Our pre-app program is designed to give those with extremely high playtime & a good attitude a chance to prove to Conviction that they have the drive to attain the requirements of your class within a very short period of time, and become part of our raid force.

Pre-apps are given a specific set of goals that they are required to attain, and a timeline to achieve those goals.
Pre-apps will not attend raids unless an officer directly asks you to join.
Pre-apps are expected to update the application officers regularly on progress towards the goals that have been set for them.
Along with specific class based requirements, we will expect you to work on gear, augmentations, quests, and flags.

After applying, please give us a week to process the application. After that time, an officer will contact you in game and notify you of your application status.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you in game!

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